Fantasia Festival Review: A Disturbance in the Force

How the Force did this came into existence? The 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special is the befuddler of Star Wars legends. Notorious for being disowned by George Lucas, any rare copy of that Wookiee-populated special has been a collector’s item and curiosity.

Is this long-awaited documentary on the biggest galactic blunder worth it? Charting the well-intentioned marketing foundation of the Special, the 90-minute documentary certainly makes the ride entertaining but it misses the more compelling scenery. It may be entertaining to watch celebrities like Kevin Smith and the late Gilbert Gottfried marvel at the bizarreness of the special’s variety show blunders, but there’s a much more human story about how the special was labor to its writers and performers. It’s not absent, but it is gasping for air in this documentary.

More info about Fantasia Festival can be found here.

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